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Women’s self defense class

ATTENTION LADIES! 🚨 Our first class of the year is for you!

Things are getting pretty crazy out there for sure! Especially with human trafficking, smuggling, kidnapping, domestic violence, and targeted violent crimes against women on the rise in Stockton and surrounding areas! Learn how to effectively mitigate these situations and stay safe!

We are having a special self defense awareness and training class coming up Saturday, March 27th, 2021 from 8AM am to noon located at Lifesong church- 3034 Michigan Ave in Stockton CA, it will be $40 per participant.

THIS COURSE IS OPEN ENROLLMENT TO ANYONE! It’s especially encouraged for young adult ladies in junior high school, high school, college students, singles, moms, and grandmoms. TELL A FRIEND OR FAMILY MEMBER WHO MAY NEED THIS CLASS!

This class will cover: Situational awareness, mindset, empty hand skills, emotional fitness, firearms & less lethal weapon considerations, use of force laws, reality & evidence based combatives, worst case scenario training.

Please wear comfortable athletic style clothing and bring your face covering, PLEASE SHARE THIS POST.

See you on the mat! 😁

**COVID-19 safety practices will be fully adhered to (temp checks, masks, waivers, hand sanitizer, etc) Training will be conducted outside underneath the tent area.**

This class is being presented by Roberto Vargas: Co-owner of Modern Warrior Training Concepts, co-founder of Sheepdog Ministry, assistant instructor at Inside BJJ Academy, purple belt in BJJ / 7 years BJJ experience and former assistant instructor at Victory Outreach Martial Arts Program (VOMAP).

And by Justin Love, Co-owner of Modern Warrior Training Concepts, Founder of Sheepdog Ministry, Director of VOMAP, 2015 Masters Martial Arts Hall of Fame inductee, Gracie Survial Tactics Level 2 certified instructor, POST certified Firearms Rangemaster, 3rd degree black belt Goju Ryu Karate /27 years experience, 10 years BJJ experience/ blue belt and POST certified Defensive Tactics Instructor, prior military (USMC) and 20 year Law Enforcement veteran.

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